central committee
About Us
The Baltimore City Democratic State Central Committee (the "Central Committee") is comprised of 40 elected members from five legislative districts in Baltimore City. The Central Committee is responsible for building the Democratic Party organization at the city level; registering Democratic voters; and encouraging Election Day turnout among Democratic voters. Central Committee members are the grassroots level elected volunteers of the Maryland Democratic Party.
Role of Central Committee Members
Current By-Laws updated 10/19/2022
*Encouraging qualified Democrats to seek office;
*Helping to inform voters of the issues;
*Providing social activities and events;
*Encouraging those interests which maintain party harmony;
*Raising funds for the Democratic Party; and
*Supporting and endorsing all Democratic nominees in a General Election.
Central Committee members have the official responsibility to fill vacancies of certain offices due to death or resignation of an elected official, and fill any vacancy when there is a failure to have a Democratic Candidate file for nomination. The Central Committee also recommends to the Governor appointment of the members and substitute members for the local County Board of Elections and at times makes recommendations to other state and county boards.
Baltimore City Democratic Central Committee Meetings
Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month
6:30 PM
Humanim, 1701 N. Gay Street, Baltimore, MD
*Meetings of the BCDSCC are open to the public. Due to Covid-19, all meetings will be held virtually via Zoom until further notice. To attend a meeting, please email baltimorecitydems@gmail.com to receive the login information.